Roadmap of 2017.

Hello players!

I have been working on implementing purchasing of parts. This will replace the previous "replace broken PC part" button, and make it more in-depth to repair the computer you have been tasked with. Not only this - but I will be overhauling how BSOD's work. They will instead be more frequent the more viruses present on the computer - until it is impossible to boot the machine. You will then have to re-install Winbloors for the user!

These improvements will be added over the course of a few updates:

v0.2.5: Basic part buying and swapping (CPU only)

v0.2.6: BSOD Overhaul (re-installing required)

v0.2.7: More advanced part buying and swapping (including RAM, Motherboard and Hard Drive)

v0.2.8: Basic building of your own computer

v0.2.9: Environment update (Christmas update)

I will have more news to come, along with a longer roadmap of what is to come!

Get Computer Shop Sim

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